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Whatmore dreams of golden future for young giant-killers

ST JOHN'S, Antigua, March 27, 2007 (AFP) - Bangladesh coach Dav Whatmore is dreaming of a golden future for his young side who edged out India for a place in the World Cup Super Eights.
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Bangladesh have made the second round for the first time and will face Australia, Whatmore's own country, in their next match here on Saturday.

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"It's terrific," said Whatmore of his team whose average age is just 22.

"We've got a couple of more experienced players, but the vast majority of them are under 25, which is absolutely perfect for an emerging team like us.

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"I understand that we are still ranked number nine in the world and have a long way to go before we are consistently challenging the big boys.

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But we've got the resources and talent to really progress and we will be going to the Super Eights to really enjoy ourselves.

"And from a personal point of view it's great to be in a position where your team is playing well and your methods are being validated.

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Whatmore is no stranger to World Cup sensations havi

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