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We will take every action to defeat “trade union terrorism”: Sagala

Aug 09, 2018 (LBO) – Prime Minister's Chief of Staff, Minister Sagala Ratnayaka said the government will take every possible action to defeat what he called the “trade union terrorism” spreading in the country.
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Releasing a statement, former Law and Order Minister said that it is imperative that trade unions act in a civilized manner within an ethical framework. “Launching unannounced union actions at peak hours targeting hapless and vulnerable commuters returning home to their loved ones after a long day of work is unacceptable,” he said. “Engaging in strike action must be the last resort of trade unions and not something performed at any provocation.” The statement came after several railway trade unions last evening launched an unannounced strike, inconveniencing tens of thousands of passengers that use the railway service on a daily basis. Minister Sagala said as a government, they are duty-bound to protect the rights of everyone alike both strikers and protestors.
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“We have to make sure law and order is maintained and commuters return home to their families safely,” “It is with this in mind that we acted to diffuse tense situation that had developed in the Colombo Fort area.” Minister added that the government is responsible and respects the worker for fighting for his demands, but government’s commitment to the tenets of democracy and human rights should not be perceived as weakness.
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