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UNP coalition announcement delayed till end August : Ranil


Aug 06, 2019 (LBO) - Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the postponement of the formation of the Democratic National Front (DNF) was temporary and that it will be done towards the end of August.

Issing a formal statement the PM reiterated that the amendment to the coalition’s constitution had been presented after the UNP Working Committee meeting last Thursday.

“New ideas were presented at the last meeting after the decision to form the Democratic National Alliance was made," the Premier's statement added.

"We realised it was important to consider these views. Therefore we decided to take more time to finalise the constitution of the Democratic National Alliance."

He said all efforts would be directed at forging a United National Party (UNP)-led coalition before the end of August to contest the upcoming Presidential Election.

“We will create a national policy framework for the Democratic National Front. Our future plans will be formed based on this policy framework.” 

“Anyone who has an understanding of recent political developments accepts that it is difficult to win a Presidential Election without a coalition. This is why in the past I have worked hard to find ways to build a broad coalition that can propel us towards victory."

Meanwhile, Minister Arjuna Ranatunga said Sunday that the United National Party should solve its internal problem if it wanted to keep smaller partners with it.

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