The international call access code auction has run aground with regulators now eying a late June date for the event.
Industry officials say despite a working model being in place, a number of other issues need to be resolved before the auction.
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rnThe list of chores include registering a web address, the terms and conditions that will govern the auction and interconnection between network operators and the new External Gateway Operators (EGO).rn
rnOfficials say Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) is holding back on interconnection until its final tariff-rebalancing proposal receives Telecommunication Regulatory Commissions approval. rn
rnSLT initially put up three conditions before offering interconnection with the non network EGOs, including its tariff rebalancing.rn
rnTwo of them, unique numbers to identify incoming traffic from the EGOs and a legal mechanism to prevent illegal call termination (bypass control), both of which have been put in place by the TRC.rn
rnRegulatory officials say SLTs refusa