A senior Treasury officialrnsaid Friday, that it would sell 49 percent or 490,000 shares to its currentrnowners, priced at Rs. 86.73 mn per piece.
rnA total of Rs. 17.7 mn or 10rnpercent of this will be distributed to its 121 employees on the basis of theirrnindividual entitlement, under an earlier management agreement.
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ldblquote Following protractedrnnegotiations with the Company, they have agreed to purchase the balancernshareholding amounting to 490,000 shares at a consideration of Rs. 177.00 arnshare
dblquote , a cabinet notice said.
Transfer of shares to 121rnemployees has been on the cards since 1993, withheld over the years on a legalrntechnicality.
rnThe Public Enterprise ReformrnCommission re-opened tal