It uses natural light which is filtered to reduce the glare, as tropical sunlight makes it difficult to read computer screens easily.
"Now everyone has the best of both worlds: the pleasure of natural light and the convenience of easy-to-read screens," Samaranayake said.
MillenniumIT trading systems, central depositories are used in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
MillenniumIT provides securities trading software, which is reputed to be the fastest in the world, for LSE and other exchanges around the world.
The new 'Turing Building' is located at its 17-acre technology campus in Malabe, Sri Lanka.
"The Turing Building has been custom built for innovation," Ajit Samaranayake, MillenniumITŸs chief scientist said in a statement.
"I love the uninterrupted, column-free workspace. It's just great to work in.
"We work collaboratively, talking to each other all the time.
The building also has 'concept rooms' which can hold up to 20 people where five or six people c