Rural Rescue

rnrnrnrnrnrnThe rural and informal private sector should step up their investmentsrnand business initiativesrnrnrnrnrnTotal investment inrn2002 dropped 0.7 per …

Quick Flow

The Asian Development Bank plans to raise its annual contributions to Sri Lanka to about US$ 250 mn and is also keen the government steps up its aid …

Asset Sale

The government hopes to sell off a further 8.5 percent of its shares held in Sri Lanka Telecom this year, as part of its privatisation programme. online …

Leap Frog

The Central Bank is optimistic the economy will leap frog and can add another 4 percent growth, if the peace initiatives continue.Central Bank governor A S …

Avrudu Bonus

Sri Lanka on Friday received a US$ 567 mn concessionary aid package from the International Monetary Fund.The funds will be disbursed over a three-year period …

Safe Hands

The Mahapola Trust Fund has floated a fully owned subsidiary to manage its fee and fund based activities.The new firm, National Wealth Corp. (NWC), will invest …

First Dip

The World Bank is expected to release the first US$ 100 mn tranche from its poverty reduction strategy to the government in early June.The funds come under the …

Public Poll

A proposal to have a referendum to test the pulse of the people on the ongoing peace process has got the governments attention.Civic groups have approached the …

Labour Export

Asian countries producing the world migrant worker population will lobby for free labour migration at future trade negotiations with developed economies.rnThe …

Danish Love

The government on Monday signed up for US$ 60 mn worth of aid from the Kingdom of Denmark to finance key development projects.Around 35 percent of the aid …

Builders Inc.

The Urban Development Authority on Monday rolled out its ambitious plans to build low income housing in densely populated Colombo. Ten locations have been …

Wider Gap

rnrnrnrnrnrnNew Page 1rnrnrnrnrnTrade deficit expanded to US$ 150 mn in Januaryrnfrom US$ 131 mn in the same period 2002, largely due to higher import costs, …

Yen Deposits

Sri Lanka on Tuesday signed up for Rs. 26.1 bn in long-term funds from the Japanese government to develop key sectors in the economy.The loan carries a 2.2 …