Aid Direct

The World Bank handed out Rs. 4 million of grant money directly to eight non-governmental organizations zydena online buy zydena online no …

Peace Please

Sri Lanka needs to return to the negotiating table with the LTTE to untangle US$ 4.5 billion in international aid, but talks with the Tamil rebel faction still …


A Japanese envoy will meet with Tamil Tiger leaders in thernrebel-held town of Kilinochchi on Tuesday to discuss Sri Lankas efforts tornend a two decade civil …

Not For Sale

Sri Lanka will terminate a divestment program initiated by the previous government, the treasury secretary said Friday.But the new government headed by …

Sweet Music

Cabinet spokesman, Reginald Cooray says the sweeteners are aimed at those who have put in a minimum five-years of service.rnrnCooray said those who put in …


Relations between the police and the public are in the dumps. In fact Sri Lankans see the police as the most corrupt public institution in the country. Now …

Face To Face

Norways foreign minister met with the top Tamil Tigerrnleader Tuesday in efforts to revive peace talks between the Sri Lankanrngovernment and the guerrillas …


Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse, has told the BBC that peace talks with Tamil Tigers rebels will resume before the end of July.Rajapakse told the BBC Sinhala …

Dim View

Suspected Tamil Tigers shot dead a soldier in eastern Sri Lanka after the rebels warned that Norways renewed efforts to broker peace in the island were in …

U Too

Top donors like the World Bank and the IMF say Constitutional reforms without a two-third majority in the parliament will not affect their lending program to …

First Innings

Former Sri Lankan cricket captain Arjuna Ranatunga Friday mended fences with President Chandrika Kumaratunga and was sworn in as deputy minister of industries, …

Second Thoughts

India will pursue a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Sri Lankas new government amid plans for an aid package to rebuild the islands embattled …

Bala Returns

The London-based top Tamil Tiger negotiator returned to Sri Lanka Friday ahead of resuming Norwegian-backed peace talks with the new Colombo government, …

Nordic Battles

Norway is seeking to jumpstart Sri Lankas stalled peace talks, but faces a challenge to bridge a "gulf of confidence" between the new government and Tamil …