Woof, Woof

Getting its campaign on the road, on Monday the UNF asked Sri Lankas 12 million voters to decide between clarity and chaos at the April polls.Citing the lack …


The red-blue Alliance says the UNF failed to deliver on its promises, its only success was in delivering misery to the People. Alliance members on Monday …

Oh Dear!

Moderate Tamils warned Monday they would declare independence from Sri Lanka unless the government that came to power after snap April elections revived peace …

Phase II

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Monday approved US$ 800,000 for a second phase private sector development programme to push through reforms to the …

Cosy Chat

The Marxist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna says it will re-negotiate the US$ 567 mn structural loan facility with the IMF, when it comes to power next month.The …

Muddy Waters

Sri Lankas Buddhist clergy Monday accused President Chandrika Kumaratungas Marxist allies of launching a "smear campaign" against them in the run up to …


An electoral candidate was shot dead in Eastern Sri Lanka Monday in the first political killing in the run up to parliamentary polls in April, police said.A …

Poor Show

Sri Lanka may fall short of achieving a projected six percent growth this year, as politicking keeps investors at bay, Finance Minister K N Choksy said.Despite …

Get Going

The four co-chairs of peace have expressed disappointment over the current political situation and repeated their call on the Sri Lankan government to resume …