Green Eye

Denying news reports of supporting a split in the Tamil Tigers, the United States on Wed. pledged US$ 600,000 in assistance to help election monitoring …


Tamil Tiger guerrillas have begun pouring fighters along a district border in northeastern Sri Lanka, heightening fears of a showdown with renegades, the rival …

Too Vague

The Freedom Alliance unveiled its manifesto promising to stop the tide of privatisations most of which were initiated by the previous PA administration, a …

IMF Oomph

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has told the government to build on the progress made so far to reactivate a low interest long-term loan while a policy …

What A Mess!

The PA-JVP led United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) plans to change the countrys economic policy agenda to keep in line with its ideology of a mixed economy, …

What Next?

With less than three weeks to go to D-day on April 2, the political options of the average Sri Lankan are increasing by the day with more political newbies …

No. No? No!

The Freedom Alliance says it will ldblquote stop the privatization of national resources and public institutions and make them to play an important role in the …

Q & A

UNF officials claim the Alliances campaign is dominated by the JVP agenda even allowing them to dominate the partys economic policies.rnrnThis, the UNF says …

Nordic Support

Scandinavian truce monitors held talks with Sri Lankas Tamil Tigers as a rift within the rebel leadership threatened to undermine an already fragile ceasefire, …

Go Slow

Development projects are on track but are slowing down because of jittery foreign investors says the UNF.rnrnldblquote Whatever projects that were initiated by …

Montero Monks

Buddhist monks launched their formal drive for Sri Lankas parliament from a historic temple town Tuesday with a vow to cleanse politics and restore "ultimate …