Tigers Tail

The key to unlocking the US$ 4.5 bn Tokyo aid is to restart peace talks endash but the governments main ally the JVP wants the LTTE to first lift its …

Flash Floods

Sri Lankas government has received 52,000 jobrnapplications after a decision to hire unemployed university graduates intornthe public service, a Finance …

Friendly Chat

The meeting came a day after the Tamil insurgents warned of "calamityrnand destruction" unless the killings stop. They accused the military ofrnbeing behind …

Money Makers

The government plans to streamline its revenue collecting units and give legislative powers to new taxes that were proposed in the previous budget, the …

Mute Voice

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans fronti'e8res) on Tuesday condemned at the murder of Tamil journalist Aiyathurai Nadesan in Batticaloa (220 km east of …

Clear Voice

Sri Lanka stressed on the need for greater government ownership of aid utilization and for capacity building, at an international aid harmonization conference …

Finding Hope

Mineral sands, ceramics and rubber are in the study list, with the BOI keen to find a handful of key sectors for investment promotion. rnrnA select list of …

Scouting Trip

A delegation from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) will be in town next week, to weigh Sri Lankas eligibility for assistance from the Millennium …

Have Courage

The ADB says it is watching the economic management of Sri Lanka with much interest and called for lquote efficiency in economic management and lquote courage …

Aid Tied Down

An international donors meeting on Sri Lanka next week is expected to push for a resumption of peace talks between Colombo and Tamil Tiger rebels, the US State …

Pow Wow

US Deputy Secretary of State Richard L Armitage will travel to Brussels May 31 to June 2, 2004 for consultations with fellow donor co-chairs of the Tokyo …

Balancing Act

Sri Lankas trade deficit for March expanded marginally, as the countrys import bill galloped ahead of export earnings, the Central Bank said Wednesday.Trade …

Die or Dare

A 10-year State guarantee to buy its entire requirement of school, police and hospital uniform cloth is on offer to any investor daring to revive Kabool Lanka. …

Chit Chat

Norways top peace-broker met with a Tamil Tiger rebelrnleader Wednesday in the latest effort to revive stalled peace talks betweenrnthe guerrillas and the Sri …

Aid Direct

The World Bank handed out Rs. 4 million of grant money directly to eight non-governmental organizations recently.buy zydena online buy zydena online no …

Peace Please

Sri Lanka needs to return to the negotiating table with the LTTE to untangle US$ 4.5 billion in international aid, but talks with the Tamil rebel faction still …