Side Dish

The government wants an interim cure for the collapsed peace talks so it can stick to development plans and aid utilisation schedules. Proposals being touted …

Aid scare

Economists are warning that key fiscal targets could be missed as donors pledge a record amount of aid.Most of the US$ 4.5bn pledged at the Tokyo Donor …

The Matrix

Sri Lanka has a 45 percent chance of achieving peace within a volatile political situation, which will push the Colombo bourse up by 25 percent to 30 …


Far from the buzz and the luxuries of a metropolitan city lie the backwater villages of the Uva and Southern Provinces, home to some of the most impoverished …

Green Rain

International donors wrapped up the two-day Tokyo parley pledging over US$ 4.5 bn in aid over the next four years to rebuild Sri Lanka. buy zoloft online …

Yawning Gap

The trade deficit widened during the first four months of this year as the import bill galloped ahead of total exports, the Central Bank said Tuesday.The bank …

Building Permit

Traditionally, most of Sri Lanka quote s mega construction projects have been awarded to foreign contractors. But local construction companies say its time the …

String Sting

A top state official is calling the government to break away from being over dependant on aid agencies. BOI Chairman Arjunna Mahendran pointed out that …


A pilot project to mine Sri Lanka's seabed off the Western coast for offshore sand to sustain a flagging construction industry, has gone up for Treasury …

Home Run

The Urban Development Authoritys (UDA) call to develop five of its properties in the Colombo District, received 140 proposals when the tender closed on Monday. …

Rural Rescue

rnrnrnrnrnrnThe rural and informal private sector should step up their investmentsrnand business initiativesrnrnrnrnrnTotal investment inrn2002 dropped 0.7 per …

Quick Flow

The Asian Development Bank plans to raise its annual contributions to Sri Lanka to about US$ 250 mn and is also keen the government steps up its aid …