Short Break

The industrial sector will get a tariff-hike holiday in the short term when electricity prices are increased next time, assures Treasury Secretary Dr. online …

Love Lost

Rising inflation and falling reserves is likely to put an end to Sri Lankas eight month long honeymoon with low interest rates.The Central Bank hinted that it …

Drying Up

Aid flows fell sharply in the first five months as the government lost donor support due to policy about-turns.Gross inflows in the first five months amounted …

Turning 50

Sri Lanka and the World Bank sealed half-a-century of cooperation on Friday by inking another large-scale development aid package.Sri Lanka joined the World …

Second Warning

Continuing its campaign against pyramid schemes, Central Bank is again warning the public that persons who buy a product, not for its own sake but expecting …

Bomb in Colombo

The Colombo stockmarket reacted negatively to the Wednesday morning suicide bomb explosion that has so far left four dead and fifteen others in hospital,. The …

Colombo Rocks

The bomber was escorted to a police station opposite the US and British diplomatic missions after security guards prevented her from entering a ministry in the …

Thinking of U

A new government sponsored agency under the Presidents control and headed by a top bureaucrat has been put in charge of policy formulation and implementation. …

Govt. Inc.

The government is going to expand its role in the economy with more spending on infrastructure and subsidies.Unveiling the governments economic policy the …

Driving Hard

Sri Lankas slow moving infrastructure projects are lined up for fast forward implementation through a new central coordinating body, says the Treasury …

Naked Truth

Visiting Singaporean Premier asked Sri Lanka to come up with an overall competitive package and not just incentives, if it wants to lure foreign investors."Sri …

Going Blue

Sri Lanka may have missed the bus with the green revolution, but the blue can work in the islands favour, say local scientists. With hungry mouths increasing …


Sri Lankas government admitted Thursday that somernmilitary personnel supported and possibly sheltered a renegade rebel leaderrndespite Tamil Tiger warnings …

Hard Landing

Sri Lankas economic growth is expected to have fallen sharply in the first quarter of 2004 from the previous three months, as the services sector suffered from …

Smooth Talk

The United States says it will revive talks on a free trade agreement (FTA) with Sri Lanka but will not remove the terrorist label from the LTTE."We will …