Sri Lanka’s online property portal Lamudi releases updated Android app

May 13, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s real estate marketplace Lamudi has recently released an updated version of its Android app to make it easier for house-hunters to buy or rent property on the go. Version 2.0 of the app, Lamudi: Property for Sale & Rent, offers overall better speed and performance, making it easier to browse through Lamudi’s global catalogue of more than 900,000 property listings, the company said in a statement. The app has been optimized for devices with lower storage space and the overall application size has been reduced, ensuring downloading the app is also much faster. The app which supports Android and iOS has a new product detail page and a fresh design for saved searches. “Smartphone penetration rate is soaring and demand for mobile Internet services is ever increasing. This is why we are focusing our efforts on mobile.” its Managing Director Kian Moini said. All listings feature high-­quality photo galleries, detailed property information, maps and multiple contact details for property owners or agents. The company launched its first Android app in June last year.
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