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Sri Lanka official reserves down to USD 1.6bn in November, confirms Central Bank

Sri Lanka’s official reserve assets were 1.6 billion US dollars (USD 1,587.

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0mn) by the end of November, down from 2.3 billion US dollars in October, the latest Central Bank data showed.

By the end of November, the foreign currency reserves were 1,009.5 million dollars while the reserve position in the IMF was 67.0 million dollars.

Special Drawing Rights were 127.2 million, reserves in Gold were 382.2 million and other reserve assets were 1.1 million US dollars.

Of the IMF’s allocation of SDR 554.8 million received by Sri Lanka on 23 August 2021, a large portion was converted into US dollars.

Official reserves do not include the swap facility signed with the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) of RMB 10 bn (equivalent to approximately US$ 1.5 bn).

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