Sri Lanka’s Islamic banking and finance sector assets grow 42- pct in 2014


May 14, 2015 (LBO) - Sri Lanka’s Islamic Banking and finance (IBF) has grew 42 percent to 50 billion assets in 2014, Minister of Industry and Commerce said in a statement.

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In 2013 the total assets were 35 billion rupees. However the penetration is slow, Minister Rishad Bathiudeen said at a ceremony held in Colombo recently.
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“As you may already be aware the global Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) sector has been growing steadily,” “As for Sri Lanka, the penetration of IBF is very low,” “Of Sri Lanka’s total banking and finance sector assets, less than one percent only belongs to Islamic banking and finance.” The Minister says this is due to lack of awareness among the Muslim people in the country. “More than 85 percent of Lankan Muslims alone are unaware about IBF and how to join it.
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Also much more attention and keenness by our national banking and finance sector is needed for us to see bigger IBF growth here, Lankan banking and finance experts inform me that there are two ways to effectively expand the sector in Sri Lanka.

" The Minister points out that banking experts say creating a demand from the market -that is from the consumers’ side, and facilitation and offerings of Islamic finance products by the financial regulators of the government such as the Central Bank will help the growth. “Sri Lanka primarily being a non-Islamic country has taken great steps to legislate and regulate Islamic banking,” “We have amended the Banking Act in 2005 to accommodate Islamic financial transactions. Our key tax laws also were amended in 2011 to include provisions for Islamic Financial transactions.
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Hussain Fahmy
9 years ago

Trust and fair distribution of profits as per the Islamic values are preventing Sri Lankans to invest in ethical finance and banking aka Islamic business transactions. The highly competent CEO of AmanaBank has every opportunity to restore confidence to the public.

Shee Lankan
Shee Lankan
9 years ago

Can someone tell me as per Islamic banking the definition of 1. Money 2. Interest

9 years ago
Reply to  Shee Lankan

Stone age culture trading slaves, ambushing caravans and breeding camels had no definition of money or inflation so their concepts are only valid for the stone age.

Shee Lankan
Shee Lankan
9 years ago
Reply to  chill235

Your response does not provide anything worthwhile. ” If you have nothing worthwhile to say its better to keep quiet” I think that was a quote from Lord Buddha ! All civilisations began very primitive !

9 years ago
Reply to  chill235

you , jungle wedda bauddaya like you must not speak about the GREAT COMMUNITY ONCE RULED THE WORLD … your sinGALEYA need only money earning by USURY AND THEFT , CHEATING AND LOTTERY …

IF THIS TEACHING OF BUDDAH THEN there were enough reason for why Budism wiped out from its origin land, INDIA..
islam the way of life for humanity , never allow people to earn through USURY and taking interst …Islam always encourgae people to do a job and earn money for living.

but BUDISM teach to BEGGING DOOR BY DOOR , EARN BY USURY, INTEREST cheating others money and earning….
the only doctrine that encourage people to live BEGGING and USURY is BUDISM.. Its never fit for a way of life for humanity in the world..

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