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Through this partnership UNDP and Hayleys Aquagri will be collaborating in three islands, Analaitivu, Eluvaitivu and Nainaitivu, the statement said and Phase I of this project will provide livelihood opportunities for 40 families of which 8 are female headed households. “This project will encourage communities to diversify their livelihood opportunities in an environmentally sustainable manner, based on a ‘Community-Based Aquaculture for Livelihood Diversification’ strategy,” the UNDP said in the statement.
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In addition to business development support, Hayleys Aquagri will contribute their specialized technical support to the farmers enabling them to grow seaweed in a more efficiently and productively.
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“Hayleys will also enter into buy back arrangements with each farmer to ensure a good price is given for the produce thereby ensuring a sustainable income for their families,” the statement said. Hayleys Agriculture Holdings Limited initiated a pilot project of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) farming two years ago in the Mannar District to help fishing communities to rebuild their lives and generate a steady family income. Hayleys is currently working with 250 fishing families and providing an alternative source of income.