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Sri Lanka’s foreign affairs deputy Harsha de Silva says “This is where the game is”

Faizal Salieh, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Sri Lanka

Sep 11, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s new Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Harsha de Silva told Lanka Business Online that discussions are on to develop a foreign policy towards achieving the island's economic goals through diplomacy, and he is excited about the new task given. “This is a good opportunity,” de Silva said. “We need to strengthen economic ties with the rest of the world. So this is where the game is. The battle is here,” "While the economic team domestically fix internal problems, my job will be to take Sri Lanka across the globe to build trade ties, investment ties, help growth, liberalizing the economy, open doors for local enterprises to move overseas and try and get investments from diaspora," "So it will be an exciting time." He was speaking to LBO at the ceremony of commencing duties at the ministry of foreign affairs held today. “I have spoken about economy and policies of the country in every occasion in the past. So most people in Sri Lanka expected 'Harsha de Silva' to look after the economy and policy development in the country,” he said. “But I assumed duties today with a ministry, and to work under the Minister Mangala Samaraweera, which is completely different from what I used to do, but important than that, and to work." De Silva said the island has to move from a traditional foreign affairs development portfolio to build relations targeting economical goals in the country. “We have faced challenges in the past and overcome them successfully, now we have to do something beyond Geneva,” he said. “My specialty is the economy, so myself and the minister are discussing a new policy and planning to change some of our policies and move towards economic diplomacy.” “This an opportunity for my political carrier as well. I’m very excited. I was waiting for an opportunity like the one that I have just got. So let us get the show on the road.”  
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8 years ago

I wonder what he means by ”work under Minister Mangala Samaraweera”

Eagle Eyes
Eagle Eyes
8 years ago
Reply to  BKVWHK

There is a reason why not all monkey’s evolved into human beings, The explanation is apes like you.

Kailas Pillai
Kailas Pillai
8 years ago
Reply to  Eagle Eyes

You do not know the answer. Nothing wrong with that but do you have to indulge in low grade attacks?

8 years ago
Reply to  Kailas Pillai

Well a deputy minster is supposed to work under his minister

8 years ago
Reply to  Sas

The odd part is that Harsha de Silva is a reputed economist, if I am right. Hence he should be under or work in tandem with the Minister of Finance and not under FA. Why this pre-occupation with FA?

Chan Wee
Chan Wee
8 years ago
Reply to  srivanamoth

“reputed economist” – errr NO!!! Harsha is an economist, full stop. reputed economist is Rogoff, Roubeini, Bernanake, Stiglitz, Krugman, Sachs, even Janet Yellen, DUH!!!
As for the “pre-occupation with FA” – it is becoz we are a black sheep in the international arena until we can clear our name and get back into the good books of those that matter AND we are broke and need money if we are to go on and develop.
Blame it all on MARA, who thought cosying upto all those who are blacklisted by most countries would make us better and also trying to use the same lies used at home would work with international community. IGNORANCE IS BLISS FOR SOME…

You Kan Chew
You Kan Chew
8 years ago
Reply to  Chan Wee

Agreed. The man has a strange inferiority complex and strikes back vehemently at people and tries to show what he can do without working towards the job at hand (NATO approach). He has been in the opposition too long. This appointment reflects this and does not help the psychological situation.

8 years ago
Reply to  Eagle Eyes

Yes, it is true that monkeys and turds like you have not evolved to possess a sense of humour. Ha ha.

8 years ago

Economic diplomacy? Are they inventing words? Economic issues can be addressed through proper economic management. How can you resolve economic issues through diplomacy? If you think foreign investment is the whole cure for economic issues you are living in the 1980s. No, build a proper economy and the foreign investors will come. It doesn’t work the other way.

Kailas Pillai
Kailas Pillai
8 years ago
Reply to  Libtard

The words “Economic diplomacy” has been around for a long long time. The words are being recycled. Come to think of it they are meaningless!
The “proper economic management” possible only in an non-corrupt atmosphere.

Shee Lankan
Shee Lankan
8 years ago

Facing UN security council in September appears to be the main reason behind this appointment. Its critical that we overcome this threat successfully. You can get back to Economy and Development once we do that Dr. Harsha De Silva. Good luck !

Good Night
Good Night
8 years ago
Reply to  Shee Lankan

You need Lawyers to do that. Economist are needed to the post of Minister / Deputy Minister of Finance or Governor of Central Bank. How can anyone justify a Accountant being a Finance Minister & Economist being a Foreign Minister. What a shame. Unfortunately, MR & CBK built a culture to create a group (incl. Prof. & Social Leaders /Associations), to justify the injustice / wrong / falls, for their benefit, without shame, so that it create a confusion in the mind of general public & they too get divided & there is no shame to do the injustice / wrong / falls. So, it continues.

Kailas Pillai
Kailas Pillai
8 years ago

Lankan politicians exploited the ethnic/language divide for a living. This led to erosion of law and order. The former President Mahinda Rajapaksa failed to rein in corruption. After a decade Lankans found this intolerable and voted him out for this reason alone. Potential foreign investors found the corruption and nepotism great impediments. The new Lankan government was mandated to eradicate these social menace and they must. This “developing foreign policy” and the like are red herrings.

Lankans have the sharpest political minds in the sub-continent. They voted certain politicians out. But these politicians found their way back through the list nominations and are in a jumbo cabinet.

“Corruption died on 8 January, was cremated/buried on 17 August. Long live Corruption”

Good Night
Good Night
8 years ago

In a way, it is good to be positive even on a worst situ. But, if it is just to justify his Leaders madness, this is not what we expected from this Gentleman & other Amature young Prof. Gents. Even not being a Prof. by the book, but a Prof. in his field, RR had the guts to say the truth. There is a saying, it is worst to be with the majority of silent people, when injustice happens.It is still worst to know, even the learned are in this majotity. It is the same that happened to MR. It is happening now as well. You can bluff the people with many excuses, but you are ruining the best opportunity this Country has to prosper, before it is too late. Do not worship individuals, whether leaders or not, but evaluate their action & stand for the truth & right. The majotity of the People, incl. the so called Prof. / Leaders (buisness, Social, etc) of our Country, evaluate anything in Politics, based on their personal benefits & benefits to come, although they talk & show it is otherwise in public. It is the reason that, there is always a powerfull group of people (incl. so called Prof.) to surport any injustice / false / wrong, without any shame. Today, They use their Prof. to justify the injustice, with many reasons & excuses. The good old days, even a single person did not wont to be a part of injustice / false / wrong, for the shame it carries, more than the justice. When we saw & listened to these so called Prof., who were on T.V. & Radio almost every day, we thought that, they will change their Leaders (who continue their ancestures gimix for the last 67 years, except for few doing a little better), by working together as a presure group, without their personal benefit, to represent the wish of the poor people in the Country. Instead, they are being changed by the Leaders, to eat what they are given, if they wish to hang on the power.

Good Night
Good Night
8 years ago

It seams that, not only the Prof. People, but the so called Prof. Web sites are shy to publish the comments, giving the truth.

8 years ago

Tamils and Muslims will derail any economic development. Write down that.

8 years ago

Lets ensure that careers and carriers aren’t mixed up in writing, disregarding general pronunciation!

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