Sri Lankan Airlines inks deal to maintain IndiGo aircraft

Apr 24, 2014 (LBO) - State-run SriLankan Airlines said it had struck a long-term maintain repair and overhaul (MRO) deal with IndiGo, a fast growing low cost carrier in India which has a fleet of 78 Airbuses. India has growing private budget airline sector after the state ended a monopoly that prevented citizens from providing air services to themselves for decades, aviation analysts say.

IndiGo has built a reputation for on time performance (OTP). IndiGo and SpiceJet have OTP rates around 80 to 90 percent and compete to outdo each other, compared to 60 - 70 percent for state run Air India.

SriLankan Airlines Engineering had provided MRO service to IndiGo since 2009 on an annual contract.
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By January 2014 SriLankan had completed 100 'C' checks on IndiGo aircraft. A 'C' check is a comprehensive inspection and maintenance that performed about once in two years, depending on the aircraft and type.
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"This agreement stands as confirmation of the level of trust SriLankan Engineering has always maintained among its partners and the efficiency of world class service offerings¦," SriLankan chief executive Kapila Chandrasena said in a statement.

"In addition, with Sri Lanka fast moving ahead i

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