Jan 08, 2020 (LBO) - T h e n u m b e r o f unemployed persons is estimated as 437,797 or 5.1 percent during the third quarter 2019, latest data show.
Overall unemployment rate reported for female is 8.5 percent and 3.3 percent for male, the Sri Lanka Labour Force Survey (LFS) says.
Youth unemployment rate (age 15 – 24 years) corresponding to the third quarter 2019 is 23.3 percent and that is the highest reported unemployment rate among all age groups. Further the unemployment rates for males and females are 17.
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5 and 33.9 percent respectively for age group 15—24.
Unemployment rate by age group, the survey results further reveals that the unemployment among females is higher than that and gender – third quarter 2019 of males, in all age groups.
Youth and female unemployment contribute more to the overall unemployment of the country.
The estimated economically active population is about 8.6 million in the third quarter 2019. Of which 65.2 percent are males and 34.8 percent are females.
The economically inactive population is about 7.9 million. Out of the economically inactive population 26.5 percent are males and 73.5 percent are females.
Sri Lanka Labour Force Survey (LFS) is designed to measure the levels and trends of employment, unemployment and labour force in Sri Lanka.
LFS has been conducted quarterly, since the first quarter of 1990.