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Sri Lanka Treasuries yields steady

Aug 03, 2011 (LBO) - Sri Lanka Treasuries yields were flat across maturities at Wednesday's auction, data from the government's debt office showed. The 3-month yield was at 7.11 percent, the 6-month yield was at 7.
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19 percent and the 12-month yield was at 7.25 percent, unchanged from the last two weeks.

The debt office, which is a unit of the Central Bank, said 1,170 million rupees of 3-month bill were sold, 4,372 million rupees of 6-month bills were sold and 9,166 million rupees of 12-month bills were sold.

The weekly auction for the rollover of 10,000 million rupees worth maturing Treasury bills was oversubscribed with bids amounting to 28,903 million rupees being received and 14,708 million rupees being accepted.

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