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Sri Lanka treasuries yields flat

Nov 19, 2008 (LBO) - Sri Lanka treasuries yields were flat with only 1.7 billion rupees of bills out of a maturing tranche of 5.
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0 billion rupees being sold, the government's debt office said.
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Meanwhile, dealers said 2-year bonds were being offered at 21.

0 percent.

The 3-month yield was 17.20 percent, the 6-month yield 18.
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28 percent and the 12-month yield 19.06 percent, the debt office which is a unit of the central bank, said.

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In the past month the central bank had been absorbing auctions in full or in part and repaying maturing debt with printed money, amid foreign reserve losses.

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The Central Bank's t-bill stock is now around 98 billion rupees.

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