Sri Lanka Treasuries yields fall

Sept 19, 2012 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's Treasuries yields fell across maturities at Wednesday's auction with the six month yield falling the most by 21 basis points to 12.91 percent, data from the state debt office showed. Earlier in the day the rupee was quoted as strong as 131.
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30/60 to the US dollar.

The debt office said the three month yield fell 03 basis points to 11.41 percent and the 12 month yield fell 06 basis points to 13.30 percent.

The state sold 1.1 billion rupees of three month bills, 5.5 billion rupees of 06 month bills and 1.0 billion of 12 month bills totaling 7.

6 billion rupees after offering 7.0 billion rupees in maturing securities.

In forex markets, the spot US dollar was quoted at 131.

60/70 after opening around 131.90/132.10 rupees.
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