Sri Lanka treasuries yields ease, rupee gains on greenback

Jan 16, 2007 (LBO) -- Sri Lanka's treasuries yields settled lower at Wednesday's auction as the government rolled over 9.7 billion rupees of maturing bills, the debt office said, while the rupee made further gains against the US dollar. Three month yields fell to 87 basis points to 19.
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25 percent, 6-month bills fell 50 basis points to 19.29 percent and 12-month bills fell 31 basis points to 19.
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45 percent.

No new money was raised.

Treasury yields have been falling since the beginning of the year from the peaks reached in December 2007.

In December the government's debt office, which is part of the central bank, raised a large volume of money for the government without resorting to the usually practice of printing money. However stocks closed lower.

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