Sri Lanka Tourism aggressively promote Disney’s “Monkey Kingdom” in China


July 10, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka Tourism said that it will aggressively promote Sri Lanka in the Chinese market by launching Disney’s epic “Monkey Kingdom" in Shanghai, China.
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The Tourism Promotion Bureau says, as at last week Monkey Kingdom box office sales was at 16.
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7 million dollars in the US market. “We are also pursuing if there is a possibility of setting up Monkey Kingdom in the Disneyland park which is to be set up in Shanghai in 2016,” Rohantha Athukorala, Chairman of Tourism Promotion Bureau said.
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“That will give a new positioning to Sri Lanka as a tourism destination,” “We must attract a quality traveler from the booming Chinese out bound market which is almost 140 million travelers per year.” Sri Lanka’s tourism arrivals grew 11.9 percent to 115,467 in June this year with China growing 85.
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China, the second largest market for Sri Lanka, was up 81.
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