The reverse has the value of the coin 1000 in large numerals while the word “RUPEES “in Sinhala, Tamil and English appear just below the face value.
The words Sri Lanka in Sinhala appears at the top centre and in Tamil and English languages at the periphery of the coin.
The year 2008 is depicted at the bottom centre.
The 2 rupee coin is minted in nickel plated steel with a diameter of 28.
5 millimetres and weights 7 grams. The proportions are the same as the existing circulating 2 rupee coin.
The obverse of the coin is the same as in the 1000 rupee coin.
The reverse depicts Rs.2, in large numerals and in words in Sinhala, Tamil and English appear just below the face value.
The words Sri Lanka appear at the top centre and in Tamil and English on the periphery of the coin.
The year 2008 is depicted at the bottom center, the central bank said. Sri Lanka's Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) was established in 1958 and had completed 50 years in June 2008.
The Central Bank is issuing a limited 1,200 Nickel plated steel 1,000 rupee coins packed in a plastic capsule from November 14, through its currency museum in Colombo and regional offices.
A 2 rupee coin will also be issued into circulation.
The 1,000 rupee coin has a diameter of 28.5 millimetres and weighs 7 grams.
Each coin will be sold at 1,200 rupees each.
"The obverse image of the coin illustrates the security and protection offered by the EPF for all its members, symbolized by two upholding palms," the central bank said.
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A tea plucker, a garment factory employee and an office employee, depicts agriculture, industry and services sectors of the economy. The golden jubilee of the EPF is shown by 50 in large numerals.
The words EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND in Sinhala, Tamil and English appear on the periphery and the years 1958 - 2008 appear at the bottom centre of the coin.