Sri Lanka to amend firearms ordinance

Jan 18, 2017 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s President, as the Defence Minister, has proposed to the cabinet that the firearms ordinance should be amended as a timely requirement and for security reasons. A committee comprising of the Attorney General, Legal Draftsman, representatives of Tri-forces and other related agencies have made several observations to be included in the proposed amendment. Among the observations proposed by the committee, new models of various firearms which are in use at present and not covered under the existing law is to be included in the new law. The committee says non evaluation of competency of possessing a weapon for those who get permission to use a weapon should be addressed in the amendment. They have proposed to prohibit using firearms in public places and initiating legal action against persons who store and collect firearms. The committee has also proposed to revise the method which should be followed in using firearms and to formalize the usage and penalties. Accordingly, the cabinet nod has been received to amend the law and publish it as a single ordinance incorporating all amendments.
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It will also include provisions delegating powers to the Defence Minister to formulate orders and regulations for the purpose of executing the provisions of this law.
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