Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers say will ‘never surrender’

April 27, 2009 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers will never surrender and will fight on until their demands are met, rebel spokesman S. Puleethevan told AFP by telephone on Monday. He said fighting was continuing to rage between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and security forces on Monday, a day after the government rejected a ceasefire offer from the guerrillas.

"We made our position very clear to the international community. We will never surrender till our legitimate demands are met," Puleethevan said.

The Tigers are facing increasing international calls to surrender and end the suffering of tens of thousands of civilians trapped in the conflict zone, while the Sri Lankan government is also under pressure to halt fighting.

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Puleethevan accused the military of going back on its own announcement Monday that the military will not use heavy weapons or combat aircraft in their battle against the Tigers.

"They have carried out two aerial attacks this afternoon," he said.

Puleethevan said the government made the announcement to deflect what he said was international pressure for a bilateral ceasefire.

"They are not honouring what the

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