Sri Lanka State Sector Workers Need Training To Improve Efficiency: Eran


June 5, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s state sector employees need training to provide a more efficient and professional service to the public, which will be a top priority of the government, Deputy Minister of Highways, Higher Education and Investment Promotion, Eran Wickramaratne told LBO.

“Sri Lanka expects a highly professional and efficient public service. So to deliver this, the public service should improve,” Wickramaratne said.

“In order to get there, we have to re-orient and organize the public sector as performance based organizations.

” The number of employed persons increased marginally by 0.1 per cent to 8.424 million in 2014 compared with 8.
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418 million during the previous year, data showed. As per the Public Sector Employment Survey (PSES) conducted by the CBSL, public sector employment grew by 3.

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2 per cent to 1,330,456 in 2014 from 1,289,151 in 2013. Analysts say trimming the public sector and paying better wages would reduce the burden on productive sectors. Nevertheless, out of the total increase in public sector employment, more than 84 per cent was recorded in the Government sector while Provincial Councils contributed to around 39 per cent of the increase. Meanwhile, employment in the three armed forces, Departments of Police and Civil Security has increased by more than 6,000.

Employment in the semi-government sector, which accounts for 19.
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7 per cent of the total public sector employment, increased marginally by 2.5 per cent in 2014. Sri Lanka has a bloated public sector, which takes up about half the Island's tax revenue to maintain.
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Last year however the wage increases were managed and inflation was also kept low. Sri Lanka’s interim budget proposed to increase salaries of state sector employees by 10,000 rupees and said 5,000 rupees out of that will be given in February on top a 3,300 increment given by the last regime and remaining 5,000 rupees will be given in June this year raising state sector employees’ salaries by 47 percent. Accordingly the minimum wage of a state worker along with allowances will rise to 30,040 rupees.
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9 years ago

Good Stuff. Sri Lanka will be always behind developing targets because of this laid back government servants. All the government comes into power promising benefits to these voters, and pay from hard working private and poor people’s money.

sacre blieu
sacre blieu
9 years ago

So after all the spending by the billions over the many years , and all the trips abroad, seminars, further training with the many courses,the lavish spending on fanfare, the unjustified unlimited claim for modern equipment by some where it ends up in the hands of family members , etc.,and to have come to such a conclusion is a refection of a farce which has been played over the years and it would be unsurprising if politics of the decadent kind was the worse influence.It appears that society has got used to draw the wool over the eyes on various issues and the ultimate objective is to accumulate as much as possible benefits that are not justified considering their position. Lying in the teeth. Have we lost the the ultimate goal? Or who cares anymore. Status at any price and profit in any which way you can.

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