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Sri Lanka scraps emergency laws, US cheers

August 25, 2011 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's president announced on Thursday that he was scrapping draconian emergency laws imposed nearly 30 years ago to deal with the armed Tamil separatist movement.
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The move, which was welcomed by the United States, comes as Sri Lanka faces growing pressure -- led by Washington -- over its human rights record, particularly with reference to the Tamil conflict.
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"I am satisfied that there is no need to have the state of emergency any more," President Mahinda Rajapakse said in a speech to parliament.

The laws, which give security forces sweeping powers of arrest and detention, have been renewed on a monthly basis -- with only brief breaks -- ever since they were first imposed 28 years ago.

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Rajapakse's announcement means the regulations will lapse at the end of August, but similarly tough powers remain available to authorities under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

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Opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe also welcomed the decision, but said it had come too long after the final military victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009.

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"For the past one year, we have been asking the government to end the state of emergency," he said.

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