Sri Lanka mulls special passports for business people

Keith D. Bernard, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Jan 26, 2012 (LBO) - A Sri Lankan business chamber is negotiating with immigration authorities to secure special passports for business people to help them cut through red tape during overseas travel.
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The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) is trying to secure a different type of passport business people recognised by chambers and the Export Development Board export promotion agency, said Sarath de Silva.
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"The NCCSL is negotiating with the immigration department to get them to issue a different type of passport to business travellers," de Silva, head of the NCCSL's agriculture and food processors section, told a forum organised by the chamber.

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"It will be of a different colour, with more pages. Very soon, we businessmen who are certified by the chambers and the EDB will have a different passport.

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It will allow more travel."

He said the chamber was trying to ensure easier overseas travel for the island's business people who are required to make frequent trips abroad.

The move followed complaints by company executives of difficulties in getting approvals like visas for overseas travel.

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