Sri Lanka increases overflying charges after 38 years, revenue to go up by 57-pct

Nov 14, 2019 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s government has decided to increase overflying charges after 38 years, taking into account the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) policies for the determination of air navigation charges.

In exchange for providing navigation aids to aircraft overflying their territories and landing at their airports, countries impose overflying navigation fees.

Charges are mainly for the recovery of costs for the provision of air navigation facility and services and in Sri Lanka, the regulation is finalized under the present Civil Aviation Act no 14 of 2010 and its section 117 (2) ( r).

Section 117 has vested power on the Minister of Civil Aviation to make regulations by taking into consideration the interest of the national economy.

Current charges have been decided under section 24 and section (3) (2) (pp) of the Air Navigation Act and the Gazette number 147/12 of 03 July 1981.

Ministry of Civil Aviation said the air navigation facility and its quality have been upgraded after 1981 as follows.

  • Secondary Surveillance Radar Cover
  • Performance-Based Air Navigation
  • Automatic Dependence Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
  • Automatic Dependence Surveillance-Broad Cast (ADS-B)
  • Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDC) System
  • State-of-the-art ATM Integrated system
  • Aero-Mobile Communication Console System

Newly calculated overflying charges will increase National Revenue as follows

As per Air Craft Type:

Air Craft Type Present Charges US$ Proposed Charge Increases of  revenue
A 320 100 169 69%
B 763 150 265 76%
A 330 200 332 66%
B 777 250 360 44%
B 747 250 384 53.6%
A 380 250 464 85.6%

Daily/Monthly/Annually Collection

Revenue in US$
  Present Collection US$ Proposed Collection US$ Increases In US$ Increase to GDP in %
Daily Revenue 21,800 34,347 12547 57%
Monthly Revenue 654000 1030410 376410 57%
Annual Revenue 7848000 12364920 4516920 57%
Revenue in Rupees
  Present Collection Rs. Proposed Collection Rs. Increases In Rs. Increase to GDP in %
Daily Revenue 3,924,000.00 6,182,460.00 2,258,460.00 57%
Monthly Revenue 117,720,000.00 185,473,800.00 67,753,800.00 57%
Annual Revenue 1,412,640,000.00 2,225,685,600.00   813,045,600.00 57%
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