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Sri Lanka in new tea marketing drive

Feb 06, 2010 (LBO) – Sri Lanka™s Tea Board has chosen MTI Consulting, a management consultancy, to develop a strategy to promote Ceylon tea, the island™s main commodity export. The Sri Lanka Tea Board (SLTB) said it chose the firm after a year-long competitive evaluation process.

Tea is Sri Lanka™s second largest export earner next to apparel, contributing three percent of the country™s GDP, with a global tea export market share of around 19 percent.

Tea is Sri Lanka™s key export and critical to our national economy, %. SLTB chairman Lalith Hettiarachchi said.

In a highly competitive and branded global market, the marketing and branding function are key drivers of the industry™s success.

The prime objective of the study is to enhance value addition for Ceylon tea and formulate pragmatic strategies to support Sri Lankan brands.

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