Sri Lanka hydro capacity up to 58-pct – Update

Nov 06, 2012 (LBO) - Storage at Sri Lanka's reservoirs have risen to 58 percent of capacity or enough to generate 738 million units of electricity during the first week of November from 22 percent a month earlier, official data shows.
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On November 04, state-run Ceylon Electricity Board generated 61.4 percent of the daily energy demand or 14.
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3 GWh from hydro up from about 15 percent a month ago.

Peak demand also fell to 1,662 MegaWatts from about 2,000MW as about 200MW of mini-hydro capacity which is not centrally dispatched kicked in and air conditioner use fell.

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Break downs in rainy weather also cuts demand.

Update II Due to successive failures of monsoon rain Sri Lanka's hydro storage fell to 22.3 percent or enough to generate 289.

5 GigaWatt hours (millions of units) of energy.

Sri Lanka's hydro power reservoirs can store about 1250 GWh equivalent of water.

Over the past week, torrential rain from cyclonic weather had brought between 30 to 50 GWh equivalent of water flow into reservoirs each day. The rains have since eased somewhat.

By November 05, water storage had risen to 738.9 GWh or 58.7 percent of total capacity up from 719 GWh a day earlier.

Storage went up despite daily hydro power gener

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