Dipped Products Plc Marketing Manager Indika Kulathunga has told Indian media the firm hopes to sell 100,000 pairs of gloves a month, 60 percent for industrial use and the balance for households by launching several awareness programmes.
He said that the market for rubber gloves is yet to evolve in India compared with markets in European countries.
"In India, we have found a lot of potential in household and industrial sectors such as chemical, automobile and heavy engineering. But it is yet to pick up because of lack of awareness. On the other hand, there is a huge demand for these gloves in European countries," Kulathunga has been quoted as saying.
OMM said that it was in talks with several big retail chains including Fortis Health World, Vishal Mart, Big Bazaar and Spencer to make the products available to target customers.
"We have already tied up with a c