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Sri Lanka gets UK assistance for serious fraud investigations

Dec 19, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka is the first country in the world that received a tailored package of training from a senior investigator of UK Serious Fraud Office, UK’s Deputy High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Laura Davies, said in a recent blog post.
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According to Davies the UK was one of the first to offer practical support when the new Sri Lankan Government asked the international community for assistance in tackling corruption earlier this year. “The UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has sent a senior investigator to Colombo.
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Sri Lanka is the first country in the world to which the Serious Fraud Office has seconded an officer in this way,” Davies said. “He has designed and delivered a tailored package of training, to develop investigation capability in the Bribery Commission and police, including the new Financial Crime Investigation Division.
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” In the blog post she revealed that the SFO also arranged for four Sri Lankan officers to attend their own investigation training course in London. “Again, the first time that they have invited external participants onto such a specialist programme.
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” Davies said. Deputy High Commissioner added that over the next three years, the British Government is committed to spend over 15 million rupees to support the Sri Lankan government in its determination to combat bribery and corruption. “This will mostly be in the form of continued capacity building and training for all the professional branches involved in anti-corruption work,” “Partnership is essential, and we’re working very closely with the USA and Australia, as well as with the Swiss.” She said. Few days before the 2015 General Elections, the Sri Lankan government sought international assistance from US, India, UK as well as the stolen assets recovery unit of the World Bank to trace financial abuses by the former government.
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In May this year, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera charged Rajapaksa family for siphoning off assets from the country, even though the former President denied it.
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Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

Things get “curioser and curioser” what with dear old
blighty making old “Ceylon” “the first country in the world that received a
tailored package of training from a senior investigator of UK Serious Fraud

Spot on of course since the old lady left the island in the
lurch with no more than a few civilized servants in charge and a large crowd
that could see no better objective than to go back to an imagined golden past
of problem free plenty when supposedly superior “indigenous civilizations”
reigned supreme. The outcome was seen in “Mahinda Chinthana” and its attempt to
generate and establish a feudal aristocracy along with a feudal dynasty. The
nett outcome has been the borrowing of large amounts from China and the removal
of these funds by the “looting” of the islands treasury under cover of the
reign of terror that constituted this resurgent attempt at feudal rule. Though
many knew that something was amiss not many could see the unfolding pattern.

So the question is whether dear old blighty having seized
the strategic initiative intends to expose the robbery and punish the
criminals. This seems unlikely since the monkeys of the monkey kingdom continue
by virtue of paragraph 35 of its constitution to place their president above
the law not just in his official capacity but in his personal capacity as well
so that our late attempted king can in no way be held guilty for looting the
treasury or ordering the disappearances, torturing, rapes, and murders that
went on a decade. It seems more likely that the old dame being who she is will
use the ongoing investigations to deftly balance the internal political
pressures and inherent tendency to loot the kitty with tantalizing exposes of
incremental incriminating evidence that provides the hoi polloi with a darkening
“bad king” with his gang of thieves against the good green can be polarized.
This will be carefully kept warm on the burner in case there is need to light
fireworks in order to keep the creeping southern sinophile empire and the
spreading north eastern indophile one from encroaching on the interests of the
new empire firmly established in
the western megapolis and central massif of the island.

Overall it looks as though the 70 year trip on the alleged
wonders of Sinhala and Tamil civilization has at last come to an end and we can
now accept that there is such a thing as a set of core values and identifiable
process that characterizes the “global civilization of the species Homo sapiens’
and we can tone down the shouting and slowly and gently fall in line without
having to waste our time in futile attempts to invent – or dredge up from the distant
past – a wheel that is allegedly superior to the wheel that has long since been
invented. So its going to be Haiti – er, er ,er…I meant high tea, again what?

Kithsiri De Silva
Kithsiri De Silva
8 years ago

They should seek same sort of help in revamping the Inland Revenue Department and that will have a real and positive effect over all.

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

I wonder whether the bobbies remembered to teach our policeman due process so that – under normal operating conditions – they present their evidence to the relevant judicial authorities and obtain a warrant before making an arrest.

Most importantly I hope they taught our boys in khaki that torture is not on. If not for the use of torture we may have been spared the “cyanide cult”. If we did not have the “cyanide cult” then we would instead have had a “democratic revolution” that would have brought up underlying issues for resolution.

So we can say in a loose but not irrelevant way…that “the banning of torture may prevent the emergence of terrorism”.

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