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Sri Lanka exporters urges removal of barriers to boost export

Jan 20, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s Exporters’ Association said that it expects that the new government will take steps to eliminate some of the barriers and deficiencies the sector faces towards boosting exports. Releasing a statement, the apex body of exporters said that the association has continuously lobbied on several platforms and to relevant agencies with regard to matters of importance, which should keep the wheels of industry relentlessly driving exports.

The statement by Sri Lanka’s Exporters Association

A matter of particular concern at this point in time is the frustration of domestic companies engaged in exports, which appears to be compelling them to either relocate their businesses abroad, or consider the expansion of their current operations overseas.

There is an urgency to implement rapid policy framework to sustain investment already made in order to expand on its valued foundation.

The Exporters Association of Sri Lanka looks forward to entering into a close dialogue with the Government with a view to presenting its concerns viz a viz building capacity within institutions responsible for steering the industry, which will as a consequence ensure the ability to

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