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Sri Lanka explores batik, handloom and local apparel opportunities in Russia


Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Russian Federation Prof. Janitha Abeywickrema Liyanage together with the delegation headed by the Sri Lankan State Minister of Batik, Handloom and Local Apparel Products Dayasiri Jayasekara visited Russian Association of International Cooperation.

The delegation was received by the Vice-Chairman of Russia-Sri Lanka Friendship Society Vladimir Polozkov and Board Member Marina Korosteleva.

State Minister Jayasekara, Ambassador Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage and the Vice Chairman V. Polozkov exchanged ideas on the introduction of batik, handloom and other apparel to a wider Russian audience.

Further, they discussed about arranging expositions in Russian museums and galleries, the participation of Sri Lanka in large-scale textile exhibitions and opportunities to manufacture Russian brands in Sri Lanka. 

Mutually beneficial areas for expanding collaboration in the apparel sector were also touched upon.   

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