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Sri Lanka Easter bombings: Official statement by Shangri La Group

Official Statement by the Shangri La Group At approximately 09:05am local time, an explosion took place in Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo’s Table One Restaurant - one of several locations in Colombo which were affected by yesterday's attacks. We are deeply saddened and shocked by the incident and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the casualties and those who have been affected. We are working closely with local authorities and emergency services to provide our fullest assistance and support to the affected staff and guests. Our immediate priority is to look after the safety and wellbeing of all involved. A Shangri-La team has been activated to provide all necessary support. As this is an active investigation, we are unable to comment further at this stage. We will provide an update once more information is available. For guest-related enquiries, we have set up a helpline at +603 2025 4619 to assist our guests. Update // It is with great sadness that we can confirm that we are aware of a number of casualties among our guests and colleagues. This includes three of our colleagues who were fatally injured in the course of their duties. We will continue to work closely with local authorities and emergency services to provide our fullest assistance and support to all affected parties. Our hotel remains secured by the military and the police. We have also decided that the hotel will be closed until further notice. Our immediate priority continues to be the safety and well-being of all affected. We have also proactively carried out the following measures since the attacks in Colombo: · We will continue to provide alternative accommodation for our affected guests · Our team has been assisting with guest requests for transportation and flight arrangements · We also have staff stationed at the airport and at the hospitals to render assistance where needed · A dedicated Call Helpline (+603 2025 4619) has been set up for affected guests and/or their loved ones · We are working closely with relevant embassy officials to support their respective citizens. Our hotel team remains ready to offer any other assistance to our guests and their families and to provide the necessary support to our colleagues and their next of kin during this very difficult time. As this is an active investigation and out of respect to our guests and staff’s privacy, we are unable to provide further details at this stage. Ruwaida Abela Assistant Vice President, Corporate Communications - Middle East, India and Indian Ocean Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd.
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