Sri Lanka dollar bond premium up; US$184.25mn rolled over

Mar 17, 2009 (LBO) - Sri Lanka has raised 184.25 million US dollars in 2-year bonds at a premium of 540 basis points above the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the government's debt office said.
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The bonds are bought by mostly resident investors who have access to foreign currency including banks. Sri Lanka offered to sell 200 million US dollars worth of bonds, ahead of a maturing tranche of 215 million US dollars of so-called Sri Lanka Development Bonds.

Two years ago the bonds were raised at 144.06 basis points above LIBOR.

The public debt office said 196.
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25 million dollars of bids were received but 184.25 million worth bids were accepted at a weighted average yield of 5.
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40 percent basis points above LIBOR.

Today's LIBOR was 1.88 percent.

On September 15, 2008, Sri Lanka raised 60 million US dollars from bonds at a weighted average price of 308.9 basis points above LIBOR.

In June Sri Lanka raised 230 million US dollars at an average of 294 basis points above LIBOR ahead of a maturing 250 million dollar bond tranche.

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