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Sri Lanka death toll over 200 in Easter Sunday attacks

Apr 21, 2019 (LBO) - The death toll in Sri Lanka's terror attacks has risen to at least 207, with over 450 people injured, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera told media at a Press conference a short while ago.  The eight blasts mostly targeted high-end hotels in the islands capital and churches where worshippers were attending Easter services. Gunasekera told reporters three people had been arrested in connection with the attacks so far and police were investigating whether suicide bombers were involved in the blasts. The initial blasts six in quick succession and then two more hours later devastated and damaged property in three leading hotels including the well-known St Anthony's Shrine in capital Colombo. Hospital sources said British, Dutch and American citizens were among the dead. The injured flooded into local hospitals, where officials reported hundreds of wounded were being admitted.  
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