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Sri Lanka blast kills 12 and injures 30

April 25, 2008 (LBO) – A blast near a crowded bus station South of Sri Lanka's capital Colombo has left at least 12 dead and more than a 40 injured, police and eyewitnesses said. The explosion went off in the suburb of Piliyandala during the evening rush hour at around 6.45 pm authorities aid.

An LBO reporter at the Colombo south hospital in Kalubowila said eight dead bodies had been brought and more than two dozen injured had been admitted to the hospital so far.

Friday's blast is the latest in a series of deadly explosions blamed on Tamil Tiger guerillas targeting civilians in the south of the island.

Tiger bombs also assassinated at least two ministers earlier in the year.

The blast came as the military said it gained control of an area in the Northwestern Mannar area and the guerillas beat back an offensive in the northern Jaffna peninsular with heavy casualties. .

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