35 percent on Wednesday with, though the 3-month yields edged up marginally, at Wednesday's auction, the government's debt office said.
The 3-month yield rose 02 basis points to 7.19 percent and the 3-month yield also rose 02 basis points to 7.09 percent.
The government's debt office said out of 10 billion rupees in maturing debt 9.
76 billion rupees in bids had been accepted from the auction, terminology that usually indicates that holders had been repaid with printed money to avoid default.
Over the week longer term bond yields fell amid stronger demand from at least two foreign banks dealers said.
The 4-year 2015 maturing on July 15 was quoted at a yield of 8.70/8.75 percent after dropping to a low of 8.60 percent Wednesday down from 9.
05/9.10 levels on Friday, dealers said.
Sri Lanka's 2020 rupee bond was quoted wide around 9.
10/9.30 dealers said.
Meanwhile 10-year Greek bond traded around 16.
7 percent and 10-year Irish bonds yielded 10.
7 percent, reports said.