Singer Finance Rs.1Bn debenture issue oversubscribed


May 15, 2020 (LBO) - Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC received a strong vote of confidence from investors with its recent Listed, Rated, unsecured, senior, redeemable three year and five year, one billion rupee debenture issue being oversubscribed.

The subscription closed on Wednesday the 13th of May 2020. This Debenture issue is rated BBB (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited.). 

Singer Finance is a resilient and trusted financial institution with a diversified asset portfolio spanning across the country , and is  a 75% owned subsidiary of Singer ( Sri Lanka) PLC whose holding Company is one of Sri Lanka’s largest business conglomerates, Hayley’s PLC.  The successful subscription of this debenture is an attestation of the trust placed in the Company by investors

Established in 2004 as a full service finance company engaged in the financing of capital goods, vehicles, agricultural equipment and mobilising of fixed deposits, Singer Finance operates across 35 branches island-wide.

The company is also rated ‘BBB (lka) with a stable outlook by Fitch Ratings, and is ranked among the Top 25 Great Places to Work in Sri Lanka.
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