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August 23, 2013 (AFP) - Sri Lanka's president has bowed to international pressure and relinquished the defence ministry's authority over the police department, an official said Friday. President Mahinda Rajapakse has created a new ministry for law and order, and placed it in charge of the 80,000-strong police which had been overseen by the defence ministry for the past nine years.
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"The president has issued a gazette notification creating the ministry of Law and Order which will be responsible for the police department," the President's spokesman Mohan Samaranayake said.

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There was no government explanation for setting up the new ministry, but an official source who declined to be named said the move was in line with the recommendation of a panel to improve the island's rights record.
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The panel, which probed the final stages of the island's decades-long Tamil separatist war, recommended in November 2011 that the police department be de-linked from the defence ministry. This was strongly backed by rights groups and the international community.

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The latest government move comes ahead of a visit to the island by the United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay following t

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