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Secretary Pompeo to discuss Sri Lanka’s opportunities for a free & open Indo-Pacific region


Jun 12, 2019 (LBO) – Secretary Pompeo's Sri Lanka visit will be focused on to discuss promising opportunities for Sri Lanka based on shared commitments to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, the US State Department said.

Secretary Pompeo will travel to India, Sri Lanka, Japan, and the Republic of Korea June 24-30 to broaden and deepen their partnerships with key countries to advance their shared goal of a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

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"The Secretary will travel to Colombo, where he will express America’s solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka as they stand united against the despicable Easter Sunday terrorist attacks," the State Department said.

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"He will also discuss promising opportunities for US-Sri Lanka cooperation based on shared commitments to a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

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Secretary Pompeo met with Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana last month and welcomed Sri Lanka’s renewed commitments to accountability, justice, and reconciliation.

Meanwhile, the Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs R.

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Clarke Cooper also traveled to Sri Lanka earlier this month.

Cooper met with government officials and think tank experts to discuss security, peacekeeping, clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance, counterterrorism, and other areas of mutual interest.

Prior to Sri Lanka visit, Secretary Pompeo will meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Minister of External Affairs S.

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Jaishankar in New Delhi to discuss their ambitious agenda for the US-India strategic partnership.

Prime Minister Modi’s recent election victory provides an excellent opportunity for him to implement his vision for a strong and prosperous India that plays a leading role on the global stage.

Next, Secretary Pompeo will travel to Osaka to participate in the G20 Leaders’ Summit, the first such gathering hosted by Japan.

On the margins of the Summit, Secretary Pompeo will join President Trump in a meeting with Prime Minister Abe to coordinate on the final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea.

They are to discuss ways to strengthen trilateral cooperation with the Republic of Korea on their unified approach toward the DPRK and other shared challenges.

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Following the G-20, Secretary Pompeo will accompany President Trump to the Republic of Korea to meet with President Moon Jae-in.

The two leaders will also discuss ways to strengthen the United States-Republic of Korea alliance.

President Trump and President Moon will continue their close coordination on efforts to achieve the final, fully verified denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

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