PUCSL seeks explanation from Sri Lanka’s power utility  for recent  cuts

Mar 18, 2016 (LBO) - Sri Lanka’s Public Utitilies Commission (PUCSL) has called on the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to give valid reasons for recent island-wide power failures and recommended measures to prevent a repetition, a statement said.
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“It is the responsibility of the transmission licensee, the CEB to maintain an uninterrupted power supply throughout the country," the PUCSL told the CEB.
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"This has been violated three times in the last six months by way of island-wide power failures.
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" Further the regulator asked the CEB management to inform the PUCSL on action taken to prevent recurrence of another island-wide power failures after the first recent one on 27 September 2015 and followed by two more  on 25 February 2016 and 13 March 2016. The PUCSL says the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre (MHRC) was hired to do a study after the September 2015 failure and that it identified some shortcomings and made some recommendations to avoid a recurrence.
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"The MHRC has said the dynamic transmission system model used by CEB transmission planning and system control branches are not accurate enough for dynamic response analysis and it recommends the CEB maintain the system steady state voltage within plus or minus 5 percent, which is the international practice," the statement said. "The present CEB practice of ±10 percent tolerance for voltage control on its transmission lines is “risky considering that this limit is very close to over current protection limit of many system devices.
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9 years ago

PUSCL could get some inputs from the recent comments made by the COPE chairemen.CEB “Made kala happe ethurui” “Juice is sucked & pulp remain.There are 22 related companies that sell & buy things with same people taking buy sell decisions.If CEB chairman is to resign today taking responsibility for the power outage he would have to resign from 16 related companies”.May be some points to ponder from the right hand to the left.Any way PUSCL’s formaal action is appreciated but Apple cart( the old order) long established cultures normally are change resistant.

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