Dec 27, 2016 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s electricity regulator, Public Utilities Commission has made several recommendations for the CEB to mitigate the impact of power shortage during the period from January to April 2017.
PUCSL said successive failure of monsoons has caused very low hydro reservoir storage (less than 500 GWh) and the Commission is recommending several actions to mitigate the impact.
The commission has recommended full utilization of available thermal generation capacity which consists of WestCoast, Sojitz Kalanithissa, Asia Power, ACE Embilipitiya and Barge power plants.
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PUCSL wants shifting the maintenance of some plants to avoid the critical period of January to April.
“It is recommended to maintain strategic fuel reserves in the power plant storages and other storages in Kerawalapitiya and Hambantota for adequate fuel supply,” the PUCSL said.
The commission recommends promoting self-generation by captive generators to reduce the demand during the day and peak periods.
“In addition, CEB should look in to the possibility of importing energy from these plants to the Grid.”
The commission also suggested adding new generation plants which include 170 MW Furnace Oil fired Generation capacity due in 2017 as per the generation plan.
CEB has already floated a tender for 50 mobile generation units and the commission says CEB should expedite procurement process and ensure the availability of plants by March 2017.
PUCSL says the CEB should expedite connections to the distribution network to get the maximum contribution during the daytime.