Prime Minister announces several budget changes

Dec 14, 2015 (LBO) – Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe told Parliament Monday that the government is ready to add 2,000 rupees monthly allowance to the basic salary of public servants from next year. Wickremasinghe said the government expects to complete adding 10,000 rupees allowance to the basic salary in three stages.

“This morning several unions requested me to add 2,500 rupees to the basic salary.

I told them that I will discuss the matter with the Finance Minister and Treasury,” Wickremasinghe told Parliament. Several Trade Unions earlier stated that they are to launch an island wide strike if the Government fails to address their grievances. Prime Minister stated that the annual revenue licensing fee has been reduced from 25 percent to 15 percent and 1,500 rupees interim vehicle emission test fee has been imposed.
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Apart from that the lease valuation fee has also been reduced to 5,000 rupees for cars, 3,000 rupees for three wheelers and motorbikes. The government is to introduce a new minimum wage for public and private sector workers which seeks higher standard of life.

Prime Minister further stated that a high ranking committee with trade unions will be set up to study and propose a ‘funded’ pension scheme for state sector workers.
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