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Price of Litro brand domestic gas cylinders down


The price of Litro brand gas cylinders has been reduced from midnight today. The prices of 5 Kg and 2.3 Kg LPG gas cylinders too have been reduced accordingly.

The price of a 12.5 Kg LPG domestic Litro gas cylinder has been reduced by Rs 240.00 in Colombo District and by Rs 251.00 in all other Districts.

Price of a 5 kg cylinder is down by Rs 95.00 (in Colombo District) and price of a 2.3 kg cylinder is down by Rs 30.00 (in Colombo District).

Accordingly, in Colombo District, the new Litro prices of a 12.5 kg cylinder is Rs 1493.00 (down from Rs 1733.00), 5 kg Cylinder is Rs 598.00 (down from Rs 693.00) and 2.3 kg cylinder is Rs 289.00 (down from Rs 319.00).

Prices in all other districts too are reduced in proportion to these with effect from midnight tonight (04 October 2019).

The Minister of Industry, Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons, Cooperative Development, Skills Development& Vocational Training Rishad Bathiudeen has instructed the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) on ctober 4 to raid errant retailers who violate the new price structure.

The CAA has been monitoring the retailor for violations for some time. Any guilty violators can be fined or imprisoned under Section 60 of Act No 9 of 2003.

Consumer complaint hotlines of CAA are 0117755481-3 and 1977.

(Media Release)

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